Emma Lammers

Emma Lammers is an artist from Augusta, Georgia. She will graduate from Georgia College in December of 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Art with a concentration in Graphic Design and a minor in Marketing. Emma is currently a volunteer Graphic Design artist at Abuse Refuge Org, and a Graphic Design intern at a PR and creative marketing firm based in California where she plans on working at full time after graduating. Later on, she plans on going back to school to become an Art Therapist.

Website: emlammers7.wixsite.com

Artist Statement

In my work, I am highlighting the importance of human connection by creating a series of digital drawings. I think that while we are all different and each of us can only experience things for ourselves, we all share fundamental similarities that connect us such as passion, an appreciation for beauty, and a desire to connect. It is easy to forget these similarities when we view ourselves as separated from the rest and when we differ in many ways from others. In light of events this past year such as the Black Lives Matter Protests, the Pandemic, the election, and many other things that have caused division amongst people, I think this is an important theme. Our different beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds don’t make it impossible to understand or connect with others, but allow us to expand our levels of empathy and learn from each other.

For each piece, I have drawn people of different ages and genders each on a separate canvas to portray the separation and distance people feel from those who they don’t understand, or who they perceive themselves to be very different from. The people I use will come from different backgrounds, have different beliefs, values, skin colors, ethnicities, ages, and experiences in life to highlight this. The drawings on the different canvases will be connected by a black string that connects through the subjects’ hands or feet. The string symbolizes empathy, compassion, and understanding, the main things that create lasting relationships and that solve conflicts. These things are what hold us together, and what heal relationships. In my project, I want to be reminded of these themes while I am physically connecting drawings of people with string, and I want to inspire others to attempt to connect more with one another.

Project Description

This project includes a series of 6 digital portraits with pencil and charcoal drawings of subjects, incorporated into colorful monochromatic backgrounds printed onto a canvas. The portraits will be connected by a black string to emphasise the connection between these people, despite their different values, backgrounds, stages in their lives, and beliefs.

Unity in Variety

Unity in Variety

Unity in Variety 1

Unity in Variety 1

Unity in Variety 2

Unity in Variety 2

Unity in Variety 3

Unity in Variety 3

Unity in Variety 4

Unity in Variety 4

Unity in Variety 5

Unity in Variety 5