Laurie Gentry

Laurie Gentry, an artist from Trion, Georgia, will be graduating with honors and receiving her BA in Fine Arts with a concentration in Studio Art and a minor in psychology. While her primary specializations are in photography and printmaking, she works in a variety of mediums including painting, drawing, and mixed media. Her works are inspired by personal experiences and her belief in the power of creative expression. Upon graduating from Georgia College and State University in December of 2021, Laurie plans to attend graduate school for an MS in Art Therapy to continue working towards her goal of using art to help others.


Artist Statement

The beauty captured within black-and-white 35mm film has always amazed me. Throughout my time at Georgia College, I have developed essential skills in black and white photographic processes. I learned so much through taking these photos, processing them, and developing them into silver gelatin prints. I was extremely proud of my final products as proof of my hard work, and I will forever appreciate the knowledge and community I have found all around me.

These prints represent the sources of comfort I have found during this season of my life. They have given me a sense of purpose and comfort when I needed it the most. As I am doing this project, I am preparing to enter a new season. I chose these places to commemorate the sources of happiness I cherished the most in my time as a college student. My eclectic subjects pushed me to continue on and gave me something to look forward to, each in their own different ways. They have kept me grounded. Reassuring me slowly, even on the worst of days, I was still moving forward.

I’ve often caught myself taking the world around me for granted. I produced this series to emphasize the beauty in the things I once deemed mundane. I wanted to celebrate the many unique places that have given me peace and comfort. The different locations and landscapes I photographed eased my worries and provided me with wonderful experiences that got me through all of the ups and downs I have encountered. I’ve fostered confidence in myself and my ability to produce work that I take pride in having made. I have always struggled with being overly critical of myself, but this project helped me realize that I deserve the happiness and sense of achievement I felt making these prints. As a result of this, I can now let my art tell my story and continue striving for progress over perfection.

Project Description

Throughout life, there are times that it feels like the walls are caving in on you, draining your confidence and making it harder to keep going. Gaining confidence comes from finding sources of encouragement and happiness all around you. In my silver gelatin prints, I captured my own personal sources of inspiration that helped me get through this season of my life. I learned from them that I am capable of growth, progress, and success regardless of any challenges that may come my way. The satisfaction I felt in making these prints was one that could only have been achieved with the support I found in my subjects, and the confidence I gained from this process is something indescribable that I will cherish forever.

Open Conversations

Open Conversations

Safe Haven

Safe Haven

The Lookouts

The Lookouts

Path to Placidity

Path to Placidity

Homey Stillness

Homey Stillness

Waving Strangers

Waving Strangers



Namesake's Corner

Namesake's Corner

Where it Started

Where it Started

Dad's Handiwork

Dad's Handiwork