Document Type


Session Format

Oral presentation only (in-person)


Arts and Sciences 2-75

Publication Date


Faculty Advisor

Dr. Debby MacMillan

Start Date

27-3-2024 2:10 PM

End Date

26-3-2024 2:20 PM


INTRODUCTION: Many women experience the debilitating symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, memory loss and vaginal dryness during the perimenopausal, menopausal, and postmenopausal period. Limited knowledge and awareness about the menopausal experience by patients and clinicians has been correlated to delays in recognizing and managing symptoms. The practice site for this quality improvement project did not have a formal process for screening, evaluating and educating patient’s menopausal awareness and goals for quality of life.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this project was to implement and evaluate a process for routinely screening and educating all patients between 40 and 65 years seen in the practice for well woman or annual exams. The project utilized the Menopause-Specific Quality of Life Intervention Questionnaire (MENQOL-I) instrument to measure the patient’s perception of symptomology as experienced during last month. Information provided by the patient was used by providers to evaluate patient awareness about the menopausal experience and was focused on promoting well-being and quality of life. Education and treatment options that were individually based was the goal. Publications developed by The North American Menopause Society was used to facilitate the providers ability to provide quality education during the patient visit.

CLINICAL QUESTION: In premenopausal, menopausal, and postmenopausal women with symptomology how effective is the use of a menopause questionnaire in assessing menopausal awareness compared to current practice?

PROJECT METHOD: This quality improvement project used pre and post chart audits to evaluate the effectiveness of a practice change that used an evidenced-based screening questionnaire for patients 40 through 65 years to assess their knowledge and understanding about premenopausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal symptoms. The Conceptual Framework utilized for the project was Ferlie and Shortell: Framework for Change. This evidence-based framework was used to facilitate communication between patients and staff. It incorporated a collaborative team effort with the implementation of a questionnaire, educational literature, and collection of data. The framework assisted the practice in identifying current practices that hindered quality of patient care and devised a process to optimize system resources and patient outcomes.

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Nursing Commons



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