Vested outsourcing: A flexible framework for collaborative outsourcing
Research and studies of successful, collaborative outsourcing relationships have uncovered commonalities that researchers codified into a methodology designed to structure aligned, innovative and cooperative outsourcing arrangements. This paper aims to describe a new methodology for establishing successful collaborative outsourcing relationships. The design is based on seven years of field research into successful strategic outsourcing agreements completed by the authors and additional colleagues. Research into successful collaborative outsourcing relationships has uncovered commonalities that researchers have identified as normative rules which, when followed, lead to aligned, innovative and cooperative relationships. This paper identifies five rules and ten elements that together form a flexible framework for implementing an effective outsourcing partnership. This approach is called “vested outsourcing” because the nature of most highly successful relationships is based on a high degree of collaboration and aligned incentives where the buyer and supplier have a vested interest in each other's success. The conclusions and principles derived from the original research and fieldwork are described in two books (Vested Outsourcing: Five Rules that Will Transform Outsourcing and The Vested Outsourcing Manual). This paper provides a review of the authors' current research, rather than new research findings. © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited