Through scholarship and research; education; leadership development and training; practice; strategy and policy, the Rural Studies Institute hopes to develop rural innovative approaches to change.
The mission of RSI is to assist in developing sustainable rural communities that are equipped to address the unique challenges of the 21st century. Specifically, the institute will lead efforts to develop best practices in building sustainable rural communities with a focus on four areas of rural disparity: Health, Education, Economic Opportunity and the Environment (HEEE).Building on Georgia College’s tradition of commitment to community-based participatory research and action,community engagement and leadership development, the university-wide institute is dedicated to utilizing the expertise of existing GC faculty and staff, an inclusive group of community leaders and external experts to carry out the mission of the institute.
2024 Rural Changemakers Lecture
David R. Montgomery and Anne Bikle
The Rural Studies Institute (RSI) hosted their annual Rural Changemakers Lecture Series on April 16, 2024. Two very exciting speakers, David R. Montgomery and Anne Biklé, led the lecture.
David R. Montgomery is a MacArthur Fellow and professor of geomorphology at the University of Washington. He is an internationally recognized geologist who studies the effects of geological processes on ecological systems and human societies. He is the author of several textbooks in his field and his work has been featured in documentary films, network and cable news, TV and radio including NOVA, PBS NewsHour, Fox and Friends and All Things Considered.
Anne Biklé is a science writer and public speaker drawing on her background in biology and environmental planning to explore humanity’s tangled relationship with nature through the lens of agriculture, soil, and food. She is particularly enthralled with the botanical world and its influence on humanity throughout history. Her writing has appeared in digital and print magazines, newspapers and her work has been featured in radio and independent documentary films.
Anne and David are married and live in Seattle, Washington.
Published in 2023, What Your Food Ate: How to Heal Our Land and Reclaim Our Health is their most recent book. It builds on their trilogy of books about soil health, microbiome, and farming—Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, The Hidden Half of Nature, and Growing a Revolution.
The Dr. Helen Lewis Symposium Pt. 1 - What's Your Place in the Space?
Veronica Womack, Sandra Godwin, Patricia Beaver, John Gaventa, Richard Greatrex, Judith Jennings, Brianna Phillips, Barbara Ellen Smith, Ada Smith, Jessica Wilkerson, and Susan Williams
This event gathered a community of scholars and activists with various perspectives on Dr. Helen Lewis' impact on the Appalachian region, rural development and community engagement and empowerment.
The Dr. Helen Lewis Symposium Pt. 3 - What's Your Place in the Space?
Veronica Womack, Sandra Godwin, Patricia Beaver, John Gaventa, Richard Greatrex, Judith Jennings, Brianna Phillips, Barbara Ellen Smith, Ada Smith, Jessica Wilkerson, and Susan Williams
This event gathered a community of scholars and activists with various perspectives on Dr. Helen Lewis' impact on the Appalachian region, rural development and community engagement and empowerment.
The Dr. Helen Lewis Symposium Pt. 2 - What's Your Place in the Space?
Veronica Womack, Sandra Godwin, Patricia Beaver, John Gaventa, Richard Greatrex, Brianna Phillips, Judith Jennings, Ada Smith, Jessica Wilkerson, and Susan Williams
This event gathered a community of scholars and activists with various perspectives on Dr. Helen Lewis' impact on the Appalachian region, rural development and community engagement and empowerment.