
Faculty Mentors

Kevin Hunt


Purpose: Stress is an inevitable part of an employee’s life. A majority of employees do not know how to properly handle stress and keep it under control. Having high level of occupational stress can lead to detrimental physical habits, such as poor nutrition, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and substance consumption. The purpose of this study will be to take an in depth look into how employees take advantage of wellness programs offered to them, whether or not these programs have a direct impact on productivity and the levels of employees that take advantage the programs. Methods: Participants of the study were student workers or employees at The Georgia College Wellness Center (N=32), males and females (13 Males, 18 Females, 1 missing) raging from ages 18-63. Employees and student workers were sent a link from their supervisor to complete an anonymous survey about employment and productivity via Georgia College Qualtrics. Results: There is no significance between the number of wellness programs and the level of presenteeism an employee exhibits (p > .05). There is no significance between an employee’s self-comparison rating and their level of presenteeism (p > .05). Conclusion: This study did not prove that wellness has a profound effect on presenteeism or that self-perceived productivity has an effect on presenteeism.



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