
Faculty Mentors

Dr. Ralph H. France III


The acoustic cavitation of D20 is measured using an ocean optics ultraviolet spectrometer. Walls of a container were constructed for the D20 using 2mm thick by 6 cm long quartz cylindrical cavity. The upper and lower transducers are silver plated piezoelectric quartz crystals. Compressing a Teflon seal between the piezoelectric crystal and quartz tube creates a watertight seal. Argon is bubbled through the solution of D20 to replace any other existing dissolved gases, as single bubble sonoluminescence is known to work best with dissolved noble gases. The container is immersed in the D20 and sealed using a cap. A standing wave in the cavity causes cavitations of the fluid which captures a seeded bubble of argon. Once the bubble collapses, the emitted light spectrum is measured using an Ocean Optics ultraviolet spectrometer. By measuring the emitted light spectrum a close approximation of the actual temperature can be obtained. However, as water is opaque to ultraviolet light, this may provide only a lower limit. If the temperature is high enough ( approximately a few million K), fusion neutrons may be emitted, which will be measured in a future experiment planned to take place in collaboration with Yale University.

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Physics Commons



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