
Faculty Mentors

Dr. Sharene Smoot


The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations between preservice teachers' self-ratings of their technology skills and their self-ratings of other teaching skills. The data collected using questionnaires with a four-point Likert Scale were examined. Bivariate correlations were used comparing each competency with the technology competency. The correlation between 232 preservice teachers' self-ratings and their technology skills had statistical significance but were very low (r = .14 tor=. 20; the statistical significance level: .05). The skill rating that was most highly correlated to their technology skill was their ability to evaluate and find good teaching materials and resources (r = .31, p < .001) . However, eight instructors' ratings of their 211 preservice teachers' skills showed a much higher correlation between their technology skills and the other teaching skills (r=. 42 tor=. 68, the p values are all< .001 ). The hypothesis that technology skills of graduating preservice teachers would be correlated with other important teaching skill aspects was confirmed.

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