Event Title
Investigating Contaminant Transport in an Unconfined Sand Groundwater Aquifer
Faculty Mentor
Samuel Mutiti
Samuel Mutiti
Groundwater contamination threatens the quality of available drinking water in an area and the health of the community. The goal of this study was to model contaminant transport in an unconfined sand aquifer and to determine filtration capacity of the two dimensional sand model. A 3-Dimensional clear plexiglas sand aquifer model was constructed with a confined aquifer system. The model was composed of a homogenous mixture of clean gravel and sand and the tests were run under steady-state and unidirectional flow. Preliminary results show that the groundwater model reduced the average concentrations of copper by 99%, chloride by 27%, iron by 62%, and silver by 99%.
Session Name:
Poster Presentation Session #2 - Poster #02
Start Date
4-4-2014 12:15 PM
End Date
4-4-2014 1:00 PM
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
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Investigating Contaminant Transport in an Unconfined Sand Groundwater Aquifer
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
Groundwater contamination threatens the quality of available drinking water in an area and the health of the community. The goal of this study was to model contaminant transport in an unconfined sand aquifer and to determine filtration capacity of the two dimensional sand model. A 3-Dimensional clear plexiglas sand aquifer model was constructed with a confined aquifer system. The model was composed of a homogenous mixture of clean gravel and sand and the tests were run under steady-state and unidirectional flow. Preliminary results show that the groundwater model reduced the average concentrations of copper by 99%, chloride by 27%, iron by 62%, and silver by 99%.