Event Title
Biological Illustration of Baldwin County Rodentia
Faculty Mentor
Dennis Parmley
Dennis Parmley
Biological Illustration is an important tool to aid in the identification of vertebrate specimens. I have created illustrations of rodents common to Baldwin County for Dr. Dennis Parmley's small mammal and vertebrate zoology classes. These illustrations are especially useful tools in the identification of closely resembling species and for presenting skeletal characteristics of different species. These can be used for future education or as reference when identifying small mammals based on skeletal remains. A portfolio of these illustrations (some presented here) has been made to be used in accordance with small mammal identification.
Session Name:
Poster Presentation Session #2 - Poster #62
Start Date
4-4-2014 12:15 PM
End Date
4-4-2014 1:00 PM
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
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Biological Illustration of Baldwin County Rodentia
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
Biological Illustration is an important tool to aid in the identification of vertebrate specimens. I have created illustrations of rodents common to Baldwin County for Dr. Dennis Parmley's small mammal and vertebrate zoology classes. These illustrations are especially useful tools in the identification of closely resembling species and for presenting skeletal characteristics of different species. These can be used for future education or as reference when identifying small mammals based on skeletal remains. A portfolio of these illustrations (some presented here) has been made to be used in accordance with small mammal identification.