Event Title
Relevancy Through Current Events: Increasing Engagement in Social Studies
Faculty Mentor
Miriam Jordan
Miriam Jordan
Students often find Social Studies to be dry and boring with no relevancy to their lives. Using current events, such as news clips and articles, teachers can create an engaging atmosphere in their classroom. Students will be able to relate more to something that is current yet still contains social studies concepts.
Session Name:
Education: Science, Technology, Social Studies, and Math I
Start Date
4-4-2014 1:15 PM
End Date
4-4-2014 2:15 PM
HSB 105
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Relevancy Through Current Events: Increasing Engagement in Social Studies
HSB 105
Students often find Social Studies to be dry and boring with no relevancy to their lives. Using current events, such as news clips and articles, teachers can create an engaging atmosphere in their classroom. Students will be able to relate more to something that is current yet still contains social studies concepts.