Event Title
Using Writing in Mathematics Instruction to Increase Student Reasoning
Faculty Mentor
Miriam Jordan
Miriam Jordan
This research will investigate the use of literacy strategies that involve students writing to explain their thinking, for the purpose of increasing student engagement and learning. Often students can easily become distracted and disengaged when learning a new mathematical concept or have low level of ability to explain their reasoning. Will integrating literacy in mathematics create more student engagement and increase student learning in the lesson at hand? This action research will investigate student engagement and literacy in mathematic lessons during the lesson openings and the lesson closings during a two week mathematics unit. The project is designed to generate data that will begin to answer these questions:Does the use of literacy, specifically writing, at the beginning or end of a lesson increase student engagement and understanding in the lesson? The research design follows the principles of action research. The research question has come from reflecting on my own teaching experience. Lack of engagement and mathematical understanding are fundamental instructional issues and I want to know if I can increase student engagement and understanding by introducing reading and writing literacy strategies at the beginning and/or end of a lesson. The goal of the research is to improve my practice (or inform my own teaching practice).
Session Name:
Education: Science, Technology, Social Studies, and Math I
Start Date
4-4-2014 1:15 PM
End Date
4-4-2014 2:15 PM
HSB 105
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Using Writing in Mathematics Instruction to Increase Student Reasoning
HSB 105
This research will investigate the use of literacy strategies that involve students writing to explain their thinking, for the purpose of increasing student engagement and learning. Often students can easily become distracted and disengaged when learning a new mathematical concept or have low level of ability to explain their reasoning. Will integrating literacy in mathematics create more student engagement and increase student learning in the lesson at hand? This action research will investigate student engagement and literacy in mathematic lessons during the lesson openings and the lesson closings during a two week mathematics unit. The project is designed to generate data that will begin to answer these questions:Does the use of literacy, specifically writing, at the beginning or end of a lesson increase student engagement and understanding in the lesson? The research design follows the principles of action research. The research question has come from reflecting on my own teaching experience. Lack of engagement and mathematical understanding are fundamental instructional issues and I want to know if I can increase student engagement and understanding by introducing reading and writing literacy strategies at the beginning and/or end of a lesson. The goal of the research is to improve my practice (or inform my own teaching practice).