Event Title

New Species of Desmopachria Babington (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae: Hyphydrini) from South America

Presenter Information

Sabrina Adkins

Faculty Mentor

George Wolfe


George Wolfe


Members of Desmopachria are extremely small (1.5-3.0mm) and are known for their bizarre, complicated male genitalia. Approximately 93 species are currently described with about 60 undescribed species recognized in the insect collections at the University of New Mexico and Georgia College. In this study we describe three additional new species of Desmopachria from South America in collaboration with the University Of New Mexico Museum Of Invertebrates. The three species are morphologically described and characterized. The most important structures are characteristics of male genitalia and size and density of elytral and metacoxal punctures.

Session Name:

Biological and Environmental Sciences IV

Start Date

4-4-2014 1:15 PM

End Date

4-4-2014 2:15 PM


HSB 207

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Apr 4th, 1:15 PM Apr 4th, 2:15 PM

New Species of Desmopachria Babington (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae: Hyphydrini) from South America

HSB 207

Members of Desmopachria are extremely small (1.5-3.0mm) and are known for their bizarre, complicated male genitalia. Approximately 93 species are currently described with about 60 undescribed species recognized in the insect collections at the University of New Mexico and Georgia College. In this study we describe three additional new species of Desmopachria from South America in collaboration with the University Of New Mexico Museum Of Invertebrates. The three species are morphologically described and characterized. The most important structures are characteristics of male genitalia and size and density of elytral and metacoxal punctures.