Event Title
Do Food Assistance Programs Help or Hinder School Aged Children: A Focus on Greene County, Georgia
Faculty Mentor
Stephanie McClure
Stephanie McClure
Many studies have been conducted about the nutritional value of meals served in the National School Lunch and Breakfast program. These studies were conducted to determine whether meals are providing the correct amount of calories and other nutrients as well as whether the programs increase the likelihood of childhood obesity. The United States Department of Agriculture defines “healthy food” as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat free or low-fat dairy, and lean meats that are perishable (fresh, refrigerated, or frozen) or canned as well as nutrient-dense foods and beverages. Schools have faced much criticism that they do not serve enough healthy foods to students which is why there has been such a large increase in childhood obesity. For this research project I focused on my hometown of Greene County, Georgia to discover whether food assistance programs such as the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs as well as private programs such as the Backpack Program help or hinder students.
Session Name:
Community and Global Health
Start Date
4-4-2014 9:00 AM
End Date
4-4-2014 10:00 AM
HSB 121
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Do Food Assistance Programs Help or Hinder School Aged Children: A Focus on Greene County, Georgia
HSB 121
Many studies have been conducted about the nutritional value of meals served in the National School Lunch and Breakfast program. These studies were conducted to determine whether meals are providing the correct amount of calories and other nutrients as well as whether the programs increase the likelihood of childhood obesity. The United States Department of Agriculture defines “healthy food” as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat free or low-fat dairy, and lean meats that are perishable (fresh, refrigerated, or frozen) or canned as well as nutrient-dense foods and beverages. Schools have faced much criticism that they do not serve enough healthy foods to students which is why there has been such a large increase in childhood obesity. For this research project I focused on my hometown of Greene County, Georgia to discover whether food assistance programs such as the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs as well as private programs such as the Backpack Program help or hinder students.