Event Title
Assessment of the Water Quality in Fishing Creek in Milledgeville, Georgia
Faculty Mentor
Dave Bachoon
Dave Bachoon
As part of our class research project the water quality was assessed for five sample sites along Fishing Creek in Milledgeville, Georgia. The sites were chosen based on previous research and the presence of potential land use impacts. Potential threats to water quality among the samples sites include: cattle, unknown pipes, a waste collection site, road runoff, and urban runoff. Two bacterial indicators, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and total coliforms, were enumerated along Fishing Creek using IDEXX, algal community profile was analyzed and physiochemical parameters (DO, pH, temperature). One of the sampling site had high concentrations of E. coli that could indicate a potential threat from fecal contamination and possible exposure to other harmful pathogens.
Session Name:
Poster Presentation Session #1 - Poster #15
Start Date
4-4-2014 11:30 AM
End Date
4-4-2014 12:15 PM
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
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Assessment of the Water Quality in Fishing Creek in Milledgeville, Georgia
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
As part of our class research project the water quality was assessed for five sample sites along Fishing Creek in Milledgeville, Georgia. The sites were chosen based on previous research and the presence of potential land use impacts. Potential threats to water quality among the samples sites include: cattle, unknown pipes, a waste collection site, road runoff, and urban runoff. Two bacterial indicators, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and total coliforms, were enumerated along Fishing Creek using IDEXX, algal community profile was analyzed and physiochemical parameters (DO, pH, temperature). One of the sampling site had high concentrations of E. coli that could indicate a potential threat from fecal contamination and possible exposure to other harmful pathogens.