Event Title
Rainy Days Data: Stormwater Runoff Analysis in Milledgeville, GA
Faculty Mentor
Catrena Lisse
Catrena Lisse
What types of contaminates are in stormwater runoff in the rural community of Milledgeville? Stormwater runoff is defined as rain water that does not saturate the ground but instead runs over land and overflows from bodies of water during flooding. Stormwater runoff potentially can carry chemicals and debris across large areas of land and deposit the contaminants in creeks, rivers and lakes. Samples from several locations including streets, parking lots, and farmland within middle Georgia were monitored and analyzed. Nutrient levels, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, temperature, turbidity, and heavy metal contamination were among the variables tested. This presentation highlights the locations, methods and findings of the project.
Session Name:
Poster Presentation Session #1 - Poster #33
Start Date
4-4-2014 11:30 AM
End Date
4-4-2014 12:15 PM
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
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Rainy Days Data: Stormwater Runoff Analysis in Milledgeville, GA
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
What types of contaminates are in stormwater runoff in the rural community of Milledgeville? Stormwater runoff is defined as rain water that does not saturate the ground but instead runs over land and overflows from bodies of water during flooding. Stormwater runoff potentially can carry chemicals and debris across large areas of land and deposit the contaminants in creeks, rivers and lakes. Samples from several locations including streets, parking lots, and farmland within middle Georgia were monitored and analyzed. Nutrient levels, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, temperature, turbidity, and heavy metal contamination were among the variables tested. This presentation highlights the locations, methods and findings of the project.