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Custom Elements Shoe Collection: Detail 6
Acrylic Leather paint and wood on leather shoes
Sneaker Culture has always been around but in the past couple years it has become increasingly popular. Though the idea of customizing sneakers has caused quite a stir in the community with certain brands not wanting people to put their own designs onto a silhouette they created. Customizing is all about adding your own flare to express yourself and controlling how people perceive you.
For as long as I can remember I have always been into two things: art and shoes. So, when I discovered that I could put my own art on my shoes I always wanted to try it. When I decided to do this project for my capstone, I wanted to represent what art is at its core. The Elements of Art are the foundation of any piece regardless of medium which is why they represent what art truly is and can be. Yaacov Agam said “There are two distinct languages. There is the verbal, which separates people... and there is the visual that is understood by everybody”. I believe that the Elements of Art are that visual language that allows everyone to understand art. For each shoe I painted a design that is inspired by the Elements of Art and gives each shoe its own personality.