Date of Award

Fall 2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

First Advisor

Dr. Sallie Coke

Second Advisor

Dr. Krystal Canady

Third Advisor

Dr. Runee Sallad


Overweight children and childhood obesity have been identified as an area of national and global concern. The prevalence of childhood obesity has been described as one of the most common chronic childhood conditions (Faguy, 2016). During the past decade, childhood obesity has been on the rise throughout the nation with an estimated childhood rate of 42 million to 70 million by 2025 (World Health Organization [WHO], 2014). The purpose of this prospective, quantitative study was to develop and implement a family nurse practitioner-led wellness intervention program in the school setting that incorporated nutrition and physical activity for adolescents. The review of literature revealed a lack of evidence regarding effectiveness of FNP-led wellness initiative in the school setting. Specific aims were to evaluate the pre- and post-intervention activity level and self-efficacy for diet and exercise of adolescents ages 14 to 17 during a 4-week FNP led school-based initiatives. Activity level was assessed through the use of Jawbone UP Move and Patient-Centered Assessment & Counseling for Exercise (PACE+) surveys. Participants experienced a significant improvement in their perspectives related to limiting the consumption of dietary when comparing baseline data to 4 weeks. Participants showed an increase in physical activity through the Jawbone UP Move from baseline to the end of the program. Participants demonstrated a reduction in diastolic blood pressure from baseline to completion of study. This translational childhood obesity school based project will contribute to the body of knowledge regarding FNPs and their role in reducing the prevalence and incidence of childhood obesity.

Included in

Nursing Commons
