Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2022


Student self-efficacy is vitally important to skill-building in a performance-based classroom. Unlike other disciplines, band students are expected to publicly perform the work they have done in class. While self-efficacy is a qualitative property, Zelenak has designed the Music Performance Self-Efficacy Scale (MPSES) to quantify the importances of these sources of self-efficacy in instrumental music students (Zelenak, 2015, 391). Looking at what motivates students to excel is an important task for any educator. My research looks to answer the questions, do students in auditioned ensembles exhibit higher levels of self-efficacy than those in non-auditioned ensembles? Using the results of my research and others, I also look at tasks for instrumental music educators to apply to their classroom in order to further build self-efficacy for all students.
