Primary Faculty Mentor’s Name

Jenny Flaherty

Session Format

Oral (max. 15 minutes)


Milton fought against editors who sought to change his work and the work of others before it was published. The ideas conveyed in the Areopagitica are reflected in contemporary copyright laws and the concept of self-publishing. Specifically, the idea of self-publishing would have appealed to Milton so he could publish his works without constraint. Although he advocated for the people to write despite certain risks, such as censorship, Milton sought to inspire people to change the way society thought, not to display their sometimes ill opinions. The contemporary mediums of social media allow people to post these opinions without restraint, but the risk remains as nothing is private once it is on the internet.


Milton, self-publishing, social media, Areopagitica

Award Verification


Presentation Year


Publication Type and Release Option




The Ideas of Milton’s Areopagitica in Contemporary Society

Milton fought against editors who sought to change his work and the work of others before it was published. The ideas conveyed in the Areopagitica are reflected in contemporary copyright laws and the concept of self-publishing. Specifically, the idea of self-publishing would have appealed to Milton so he could publish his works without constraint. Although he advocated for the people to write despite certain risks, such as censorship, Milton sought to inspire people to change the way society thought, not to display their sometimes ill opinions. The contemporary mediums of social media allow people to post these opinions without restraint, but the risk remains as nothing is private once it is on the internet.