Looking Beyond the Dyad: How Transformational Leadership Affects Leader–Member Exchange Quality and Outcomes
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Journal of Leadership Studies
Despite the attention given to leadership and its understanding, the overwhelming number of approaches remain focused on one specific theory, resulting in minimal integration across theoretical borders. A leadership typology combining aspects of transformational leadership (TFL) with leader–member exchange (LMX) theory is presented in order to focus attention on the relationship between TFL behaviors and LMX outcomes. The typology demonstrates that LMX outcomes are contingent on context and develop within a richer pattern of behaviors, perceptions, and interactions than typically captured by a focus on dyadic interactions alone. LMX success thus can be seen as the result of a process that co-evolves on the basis of interactions between leaders and followers by means of specific practices and perceptions.
Management, Marketing, and Logistics
Recommended Citation
Coleman, R.A., Donoher, W.J. (2022). Looking Beyond the Dyad: How Transformational Leadership Affects Leader–Member Exchange Quality and Outcomes. Journal of Leadership Studies, (), -.