Does Growing Up in a Single-Parent Household Affect Being Married in the Future?

Presentation Author(s) Information

Emma WhiteFollow

Faculty Mentor(s) Name(s)

Brooke Conaway


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 10.9 million one-parent family groups with a child under 18 in 2022, and this number continues to increase. Utilizing cross-sectional data from Add Health Waves One and Four, I estimate whether growing up in a one-parent household impacts the probability of marriage later on. Previous work has covered other devastating impacts on children’s mental health from growing up in a one-parent home, but none have mentioned the effects on marriage. I find that not having a mother in the home increases the probability of that child getting married by 6.5 percentage points, while not having a father has no statistically significant effect.

Start Date

27-3-2024 2:00 PM

End Date

27-3-2024 2:08 PM


Atkinson 107

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Mar 27th, 2:00 PM Mar 27th, 2:08 PM

Does Growing Up in a Single-Parent Household Affect Being Married in the Future?

Atkinson 107

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 10.9 million one-parent family groups with a child under 18 in 2022, and this number continues to increase. Utilizing cross-sectional data from Add Health Waves One and Four, I estimate whether growing up in a one-parent household impacts the probability of marriage later on. Previous work has covered other devastating impacts on children’s mental health from growing up in a one-parent home, but none have mentioned the effects on marriage. I find that not having a mother in the home increases the probability of that child getting married by 6.5 percentage points, while not having a father has no statistically significant effect.