The Belt and Road Initiative and Income Inequality

Presentation Author(s) Information

Gavin GilliamFollow

Faculty Mentor(s) Name(s)

Dr. Brooke Conaway


As part of their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Chinese government has invested over eight hundred billion dollars across the globe into various infrastructure projects in a bid to improve economic connectivity and local economic growth, but the altruism of these efforts has come into question. Using the GINI coefficient of countries as a measure of inequality, along with data regarding Chinese investment statistics collected by the American Enterprise Institute, I estimate the effect of the BRI on income inequality in participating nations. While the matter of how foreign investment affects income inequality is still debated, I expect to find that Chinese investment will increase the GINI coefficients of countries receiving loans.

Start Date

27-3-2024 2:10 PM

End Date

27-3-2024 2:18 PM


Atkinson 107

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Mar 27th, 2:10 PM Mar 27th, 2:18 PM

The Belt and Road Initiative and Income Inequality

Atkinson 107

As part of their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Chinese government has invested over eight hundred billion dollars across the globe into various infrastructure projects in a bid to improve economic connectivity and local economic growth, but the altruism of these efforts has come into question. Using the GINI coefficient of countries as a measure of inequality, along with data regarding Chinese investment statistics collected by the American Enterprise Institute, I estimate the effect of the BRI on income inequality in participating nations. While the matter of how foreign investment affects income inequality is still debated, I expect to find that Chinese investment will increase the GINI coefficients of countries receiving loans.