Presentation Author(s) Information

Homer JonesFollow


The basis of African American Christianity is influenced by African religion and the Gullah Geechee Corridor. This study is explored in a performance arts structure of choreography and dramaturgy. This is because there is a strong sense of arts presented in Africa as well as African American religion. This research is explored in Crowns by Regina Taylor. Crowns is important for this research because of the African American culture that is presented specifically at Georgia College and State University. Crowns is the first African American musical that emphasizes the idea of black culture and religion and how African religion is prevalent in disguise. This study of exploration is significant for the Undergraduate Research Conference because of the dominated nature of religion in the black community. African Americans grow up in church and are often times centered around the Christian beliefs and morals. This research strives to expose the nature of religion in the black community and how the origins of Africa are intertwined.



Roots of African American Christianity

The basis of African American Christianity is influenced by African religion and the Gullah Geechee Corridor. This study is explored in a performance arts structure of choreography and dramaturgy. This is because there is a strong sense of arts presented in Africa as well as African American religion. This research is explored in Crowns by Regina Taylor. Crowns is important for this research because of the African American culture that is presented specifically at Georgia College and State University. Crowns is the first African American musical that emphasizes the idea of black culture and religion and how African religion is prevalent in disguise. This study of exploration is significant for the Undergraduate Research Conference because of the dominated nature of religion in the black community. African Americans grow up in church and are often times centered around the Christian beliefs and morals. This research strives to expose the nature of religion in the black community and how the origins of Africa are intertwined.