The GC Student Research Conference provides undergraduate researchers at Georgia College from all disciplines the opportunity to present their scholarly work to the campus community. This is the 25th annual Georgia College Student Research Conference.

The 2022 Student Research Conference will take place March 25, 2022.

Please meet with your mentor and with your mentor's approval use the link below to submit your abstract. The deadline to submit your abstract is March 1, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.

Submit Your Abstract

Abstracts must be between 150-300 words.

Why Submit Your Presentation? More exposure for your work! Presentations are searchable through Google, and you will receive reports showing how many people have downloaded your presentation.

What about Copyright? YOU retain the copyright.

Why do I need to provide the name of my mentor? The Student Research Conference requires that mentors sign off on your project before presenting your findings.

Need Help? Contact Shaundra Walker in the Ina Dillard Russell Library at . If you have trouble submitting your presentation materials, email them to Shaundra and she will upload them for you!


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