Project Title

Does Team Performance Affect Suicide Rates?

Presentation Author(s) Information

Matt Mullis, GCSUFollow

Faculty Mentor(s) Name(s)

Brook Conaway


The national suicide rate has risen 30 percent since the CDC started collecting data in 2000 and is forecasted to continue this upward trend. There are numerous reasons an individual would decide to take their own life, and a greater understanding of this phenomenon could save lives. Local professional teams, which are considered an important element binding communities together and a significant source of excitement for citizens, could influence suicide rates. The sports industry in America is forecasted to nearly double its revenue from 2009 to 2023, in part due to the loyalty of local communities. Using state-level suicide rates from CDC Wonder, I estimate the effect of a team’s win/loss record on state suicide rates. I find no evidence that sports team performance affects suicide rates.

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Does Team Performance Affect Suicide Rates?

The national suicide rate has risen 30 percent since the CDC started collecting data in 2000 and is forecasted to continue this upward trend. There are numerous reasons an individual would decide to take their own life, and a greater understanding of this phenomenon could save lives. Local professional teams, which are considered an important element binding communities together and a significant source of excitement for citizens, could influence suicide rates. The sports industry in America is forecasted to nearly double its revenue from 2009 to 2023, in part due to the loyalty of local communities. Using state-level suicide rates from CDC Wonder, I estimate the effect of a team’s win/loss record on state suicide rates. I find no evidence that sports team performance affects suicide rates.