Undergraduate Research (Journal)

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2021) Winter 2021

Introduction to Volume 1, Issue 1

We are excited to launch the inaugural edition of Undergraduate Research. This journal represents a nationwide collaborative effort between faculty and students. For several years, supporting mentored undergraduate research and creative endeavors has been a central focus at Georgia College. We have developed an internal initiative, GC Journeys, which offers all students access to high-impact practices, including undergraduate research. Georgia College is also active in supporting undergraduate research at the state and national level. We have served as a founding member of the Georgia Undergraduate Research Collective’s Posters at the Capitol and prioritize faculty participation in the Council on Undergraduate Research, as well as student participation in National Council on Undergraduate Research.
We know the benefits that these research experiences have on students in their collegiate and post-collegiate lives. This high-impact practice is a means of making all disciplines more accessible to students while providing experiential and hands-on learning opportunities. In short, undergraduate research is transformative. We are pleased to have worked with so many colleagues from around the country on the new journal, whether it is on our editorial board or review board, or the faculty mentoring projects — the collective dedication to undergraduate research is unparalleled. This gives us great hope about the future of higher education.
Finally, we are so pleased to have received such a high volume and quality of submissions. All submissions underwent a double-blind peer reviewed process. Overall, the selection decisions were difficult and while our acceptance rate was around 10%, this speaks to the amazing work of faculty in their role of mentoring undergraduate research students.
Costas Spirou
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Georgia College & State University
Milledgeville, GA


Cover Art

Joshua Worthy, Georgia College & State University
Masked Wolf
4 x 6" intaglio print

Back Cover Art

Mary Douberly, Georgia College & State University
Jouska: She's Got Snakes in Her Head
6 x 8" multi plate color intaglio etching with aquatint