Event Title
Developing a Community of Writers in an Engaging Atmosphere
Faculty Mentor
Cynthia Alby
Cynthia Alby
This research focuses on a literature review centered on Nancy Atwell's work on developing a community of writers in order to support student growth and creativity through shared experiences and peer feedback. I examine what an exemplar unit using this method might look like, as well as including a variety of strategies from various authors that work well with the writing workshop method. The research also includes the strengths and weaknesses of writers workshop that where observed while the unit was used in practice with secondary students.
Session Name:
Education: Art and English II
Start Date
4-4-2014 10:15 AM
End Date
4-4-2014 11:15 AM
HSB 209
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Developing a Community of Writers in an Engaging Atmosphere
HSB 209
This research focuses on a literature review centered on Nancy Atwell's work on developing a community of writers in order to support student growth and creativity through shared experiences and peer feedback. I examine what an exemplar unit using this method might look like, as well as including a variety of strategies from various authors that work well with the writing workshop method. The research also includes the strengths and weaknesses of writers workshop that where observed while the unit was used in practice with secondary students.