Event Title
Determination of Caffeine Content in Brewed Caffeinated and Decaffeinated Coffee
Faculty Mentor
Kimberly Cossey
Kimberly Cossey
Consumer curiosity has sparked the investigation of the caffeine content found in locally brewed Blackbird Coffee. A procedure involving liquid-liquid extraction with dichloromethane was developed to determine the amount of caffeine in brewed caffeinated and decaffeinated Starbuck’s Dark Sumatra coffee. Recent adaptations to the procedure include a sodium hydroxide wash of the extracted organic layer. This has resulted in a change from a dark brown to a light yellow color of the extracted caffeine, indicating fewer impurities exist. The caffeine amounts recovered were reproducible, thus the method is reliable and will be used to determine the caffeine content of BlackBird coffee.
Session Name:
Poster Presentation Session #1 - Poster #45
Start Date
4-4-2014 11:30 AM
End Date
4-4-2014 12:15 PM
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
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Determination of Caffeine Content in Brewed Caffeinated and Decaffeinated Coffee
HSB 3rd Floor Student Commons
Consumer curiosity has sparked the investigation of the caffeine content found in locally brewed Blackbird Coffee. A procedure involving liquid-liquid extraction with dichloromethane was developed to determine the amount of caffeine in brewed caffeinated and decaffeinated Starbuck’s Dark Sumatra coffee. Recent adaptations to the procedure include a sodium hydroxide wash of the extracted organic layer. This has resulted in a change from a dark brown to a light yellow color of the extracted caffeine, indicating fewer impurities exist. The caffeine amounts recovered were reproducible, thus the method is reliable and will be used to determine the caffeine content of BlackBird coffee.