Rising airline costs causing for the lack of care for comfort and convenience

Presentation Author(s) Information

derek watersFollow

Faculty Mentor(s) Name(s)

Dr. Ania Rynarzewska


The Airline industry is a 500-billion-dollar global market. Within this market there are high levels of competition due to competing airlines. There are two sides to this market, high-class luxury airlines, and discount airlines. This begs the question, has the increase in airfare caused consumers to throw comfort and convenience to the wayside? The relevance of this topic is the recent explosion of low-cost airlines, and the market share that they have been able to capture over the past years. However, these low-cost airlines typically trade price for time. Taking a flight in the early hours of the morning, or late at night could be the new normal as airline prices continue to inflate while consumer income stays consistent. To conduct this research, I will be using the format of the mixed method. The sample will consist of US adults who travel, and pay for the cost from their own pocket.

Start Date

27-3-2024 9:00 AM

End Date

27-3-2024 9:50 AM


Magnolia Ballroom

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Mar 27th, 9:00 AM Mar 27th, 9:50 AM

Rising airline costs causing for the lack of care for comfort and convenience

Magnolia Ballroom

The Airline industry is a 500-billion-dollar global market. Within this market there are high levels of competition due to competing airlines. There are two sides to this market, high-class luxury airlines, and discount airlines. This begs the question, has the increase in airfare caused consumers to throw comfort and convenience to the wayside? The relevance of this topic is the recent explosion of low-cost airlines, and the market share that they have been able to capture over the past years. However, these low-cost airlines typically trade price for time. Taking a flight in the early hours of the morning, or late at night could be the new normal as airline prices continue to inflate while consumer income stays consistent. To conduct this research, I will be using the format of the mixed method. The sample will consist of US adults who travel, and pay for the cost from their own pocket.