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Tuesday, March 26th
9:30 AM

Women's and Gender Studies Faculty Panel

Joanna Schwartz, Georgia College & State University
Disha Chaudhari
Sabrina Hom, Georgia College & State University

Museum Education Room

9:30 AM - 9:30 AM

11:00 AM

Barbie and Beauty Standards: The Tip of the Iceberg

Melody Cadle

Museum Education Room

11:00 AM - 11:25 AM

11:25 AM

Predeterminants of Sexual Satisfaction

Emma Gael Humphries

11:25 AM - 11:50 AM

11:50 AM

How cultural factors influence our perception of Women’s mental health in the United States?

Kristina Price

Museum Education Room

11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

12:30 PM

Bonded by Blood: An Examination of the Violence and Monstrosity within the Queer Relationships of Carmilla and Hannibal

Elizabeth Lewis, Georgia College & State University

Museum Education Room

12:30 PM - 12:48 PM

2:00 PM

Pride and Prejudice and Lydia

Katie Daniels

Museum Education Room

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

2:00 PM

Wait for Me: Finding Eurydice’s Voice in Hadestown and Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Thomas Creekmore

Museum Education Room

2:00 PM - 2:18 PM

2:18 PM

The Evolving Female Perspective in Greek Mythological Retellings

Alexia Schauer

Museum Education Room

2:18 PM - 2:37 AM

2:37 PM

Feminism & Activism in Frankenstein and Oroonoko: Analyzing Progressive Themes in Early British Women’s Literature

Jaci Hill

Museum Education Room

2:37 PM - 2:56 PM

3:30 PM

Unveiling Transmasculinity: A Media Exploration

Sebastián Emanuelli

Museum Education Room

3:30 PM - 3:55 PM

3:55 PM

Fangs and Good Fortunes: Lessons of Love in Pride & Prejudice (2005) and Twilight (2009)

Olivia Kumiko McDuffie

Museum Education Room

3:55 PM - 4:20 PM

4:20 PM

Furries and Beyond: The Eroticism of Becoming Inhuman

Diana Cazacu

Museum Education Room

4:20 PM - 4:45 PM

Wednesday, March 27th
2:00 PM

WGS Faculty Panel

Jim Winchester, Georgia College & State University
Jamie Downing, Georgia College & State University
Dana Gorzelany-Mostak, Georgia College & State University

Arts & Sciences 3-64

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM