Event Title
How can I improve parental involvement to raise grade average?
Faculty Mentor
Miriam Jordan
Miriam Jordan
For this research, I am attempting to increase parental involvement in my classroom in an attempt to raise grade average. Studies have shown that when a parent is involved in what is going on with their child's classroom, that child tends to have higher grades compared to those that do not. The judgment of this will come from the two progress reports I send home, with the expectation to have their parents sign and a night where the parents can come and meet me and get an in depth update of their child. Once this is completed, I will cross reference who returned the progress reports and who came to the conference to their average grade and find a trend.
Session Name:
Education: Teaching and Learning II
Start Date
4-4-2014 10:15 AM
End Date
4-4-2014 11:15 AM
HSB 105
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How can I improve parental involvement to raise grade average?
HSB 105
For this research, I am attempting to increase parental involvement in my classroom in an attempt to raise grade average. Studies have shown that when a parent is involved in what is going on with their child's classroom, that child tends to have higher grades compared to those that do not. The judgment of this will come from the two progress reports I send home, with the expectation to have their parents sign and a night where the parents can come and meet me and get an in depth update of their child. Once this is completed, I will cross reference who returned the progress reports and who came to the conference to their average grade and find a trend.