Content Posted in 2017
3D Printing Plastic Scintillators, Madison Durrance, Nicolas Merino, and Emily Vanderwolf
Abnormalities in White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Mandibles, Patrick M. Powers
Abstinence Education: When You Are Late In A Different Way, Lillian Echols and Aanjae Patterson
Abstracts of Student-Faculty Publications
A Chemistry in Art Project: Synthesis, Characterization and Printmaking Applications of Various Azo Dyes, Alexandra R. Hanna and Emily Jovert
A Lesson in the Garden of Good and Evil, Lisa Parker
Algal Composition Of Georgia Ponds Used For Drinking By Domestic Cattle, Jude R. Thornton
Analyzing the Kinetics of a Bromophenol Blue Fading Reaction in Basic Conditions for an Undergraduate Lab, Zeljka Popovic
A Nation within a Nation: Tolerance within the Dutch Identity, Madlyn Kaufman
Animal Portrayal in the Media, Michael Campagna, Mary Kate Conner, Olivia Murrah, and Sarah Swinwood
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture with Lateral Meniscal Tear and Posterolateral Corner Injury, Kathryn R. Boylan
A Painless Tax or Robin Hood Reversed? The Ethical Dilemmas of State-Sponsored Lotteries, William Hatcher
Application of New Low Cost Technology for 2d-Flow Bound Resonance Method for Measurement of Fluid Flow, Aidan Burleson, Abigail Savage, Joshua Moore, Cain Gantt, and Kyle Cooley
A Review of Different Diets on Respiration and Cardiac Output, Danielle Cahill and Hunter Lane
Assesment of the Impact of Fecal Pollution on Streams of Puerto Rico, Zamara R. Garcia Truitt and Brennan Poonkwong
Assessing the Impact of Simulation Role on Anxiety and Perceived Outcomes in Undergraduate Nursing Students, Teresa A. Bates
Assessment Of Water Quality On Oconee River And Fishing Creek Using Microalgae And Chemical Pollutants, George B. Gavrielides
Associations between Self-Reported Social Anxiety and Emotional Cue Reading, Hananh Carter
Asteroid Observation and Lightcurve Plotting, Austin Belcher and Chris Oglesby Evans
A Study of Gender Communication at GC&SU, Erin White
A Study of the Decision of the Czech Republic to Join the European Union, Harold Conard Mock III
A Study on Modern Scattering Techniques, Daniel Wade
Aviation Database Research, Joshua A. Colley
Banning Assault Weapons, Daphne Gerrald
Bare Life, Sovereignty, and the Marquis de Sade: Justine, ou les malheurs de la vertu (1791), David Arnold
Benefits of Having a Pet at College: Perception of Today’s College Students, Morgan Jenkins
Best Practice for Neonatal Pain Management, Mackinsey C. McAdams and Celie R. Davis
Best Practice versus Present Practice in Preventing Pediatric Medication Errors, Emily K. Hand and Bethany Flournoy
Bluetooth Low Energy: Secure or Unsecure?, Gabriel Bello
Bound to Serve: Indentured Servitude in Colonial Virginia, 1624-177 6, Penny Howard
Bullying: A Matter of Life or Death, Wanda Bragg
Cast Your Vote, Erin Shaw
Characterization of Cadmium Stannate as a Transparent Conducting Oxide, Nowsherwan Sultan, Stephen Hood, and Tristan Cabrera
Chicago Building Code Violations Database Case Study, David A. Smith, Kayla Smith, Andrew Bartolomei, Aaron Allison, Mckenna Carlile, and Chadwick Oneal
Chronicle, Tara Mettler
Codependents Medieval Style, Angie Russell Hunt
Co-evolution in Divergent Insects: Physiological and Molecular Evidence, Caroline E. Fowler, Dorianna C. Dobson, and Payton E. Burriss
Co-evolution of Sensory Systems in Divergent Insects: Smoky Winged Beetle Bandit and Emerald Ash Borer, Stephanie H. Forsman, Caroline E. Fowler, Dorianna C. Dobson, Payton E. Burriss, and Nicholas T. Buchanan
Combating Childhood Obesity Through Nurse Practitioner-Led School Wellness Program, Joy L. King-Mark
Comparing Models for Measuring Ring Strain of Common Cycloalkanes, Brad A. Hobbs
Comparing One-Mile Run Time and Perceived Exertion of College-Aged Females in an Outdoor Environment versus an Indoor Environment, Abigail E. Deckbar 7312889, Alexandra Brown, Amanda Boesch, Lindsay Davis, and Myles Shreckengost
Comparing the spatial distributions of HMXBs and star-forming regions in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Ryan Agnew, Sean Antosiak, and Arash Bodaghee
Comparison of Low and High Glycemic Index Effects on Athletic Performance, Dillon B. Tanner and Lucas Johnson
Corpus Analysis of Articles from the BBC and FOX News – Applications of NLP, Zachary Dooley
CosGlamElle: Advertising in Three Women's Magazines Tweets, Zaria M. Gholston, Catherine C. Laseter, Robert H. Woosley, and Meredith M. Lawrence
Cranial Variation in a Sample of Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) from Putnam County, Georgia, Courtney F. Moon and Sarah E. Farmer
Creation of a Community Arts-Based Program: Peachtree Pine Works at the Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless Atlanta, GA, Theodore Windish
Critical Race Theory and the Recruitment, Retention and Promotion of a Librarian of Color: A Counterstory, Shaundra Walker
Defying Boundaries: Mary Musgrove in Early Colonial Georgia, Courtland B. Nation
Detection of Elevated Levels of Escherichia coli in the Oconee River Greenway, Shayna Markel and Sanjay Patel
Detection of Elevated Levels of Escherichia coli in the Oconee River Greenway, Shayna Markel and Sanjay Patel
Determination of Calories in Food Via Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter, Kenneth C. McGill, Michelle L. Yasechko, and Wendy K. Nkari
Determination of the Binding Site of Adenovirus E4 11K on the Cellular Protein DDX6, Clint E. Edmunds and Courtney F. Moon
Determination of the Binding Site of Adenovirus E4 ORF3 and Ddx6, Molly Lawson
Determination of the Binding Site of Adenovirus E4ORF3 and Ddx6, Kathryn E. McGraw
Development of an Organic Laboratory Experiment: An Old School Characterization of Ketones and Aldehydes, Joseph A. Cleland
Do Changes in Police Presence Affect Violent Crime Rates?, Cole Mark Kemper
Does an adoptee’s race affect the probability of an interracial adoption?, Timothy C. Yates
Does Construction Type Affect Level of LEED Certification?, Emma Brodzik
Does Increased Spending on Public Education Affect School Performance?, Hannah Serdinia
Does Race Impact Judicial Outcomes?, Kameron L. Griffin
Does the Age You Get Married Affect Your Probability of Divorce?, Natalia Martinez
Does the effect of driving distance on PGA/LPGA tour earnings differ across genders?, Conner R. Albright
Does the Southwest Effect Still Exist?, Jacqueline A. Nowak
Does Three Point Shooting Percentage Affect Winning Percentage in the NBA?, Jordan Miner Smith
Does Where You Grow Up Affect Your Chances of Being Drafted into the NFL?, Walker Head
Do Farm Subsidies Affect Crop Diversification?, Chadwick O'Neal
Don Quixote's Code of Honor, Christine Espinosa
Do Violent Penalties in the NHL Affect Win Percentage?, Dale Ernest
Do Voter Demographics Affect the Passage of County-City Government Consolidation?, Taylor B. Edwards
Drought Conditions and the Effects on Soil Biodiversity at Babe + Sage Farm, Callum Lever and Mary Plauche
Effectiveness of Breastfeeding Shift Champions on Exclusive Breastfeeding, Comfort Obi
Effect of Intimate Partner Violence Education on Nurses Readiness to Screen, Felisha Dixon-Brazier
Effects of College Employment and Financial Coping Strategies, Kenneth Sinclair, Jeremiah Vrudny, and Stephen Carroll
Effects of Enrichment and Alcohol on Aggression of Betta splendens, Mattie L. Barrett, Madison R. Lord, Boston C. Chandler, and Hannah B. Pollock
Effects of Interval Training on Memory Function, in College Students, Matthew Young, Jennifer Spencer, and Lisa Schick
Effects of Moderate Intensity Interval Training on Cognitive Function, Jennifer Spencer, Matthew Young, Emma Niemi, Lisa Schick, and Zachary LeMaster
Effects of N-deposition on Millipede Survival and Weight Maintenance, Christina Cortes
Effects of Organic Fertilizer and Spatial Analysis of Phosphate at Babe + Sage Farm Soils, Zachary Stephen Bond
Effects of Yoga on Perceived Stress Level and Cognitive Ability in College-Aged Females, Rachel V. Taylor, Faith Flanders, Allison Esposito, Delaney Lister, and Lauren Williams
Effects of Yoga on Perceived Stress Level and Cognitive Ability in College-Aged Females, Faith Flanders, Rachel V. Taylor, Lauren Willams, Delaney Lister, and Allison Esposito
Emma Goldman and Birth Control: Honest Goals or Ulterior Motives?, Nathan Moon
Ethical Concerns Faced by Various Stakeholders of the Natural Gas Industry in the Deregulation Environment, Michael A. Payne
European Union Membership and Levels of Corruption, Kevin J. Morris
Evaluation of Wetlands Algal Communities Located North and South of the Georgia Fall Line, Sofia Sifnaios
Exercise Motivation in College Students, Elizabeth Little, Nicole Neidert, Jordan Rogers, Logan Matysiak, and Joshua Osburn
Exponential Phase Virulence Genes May be Responsible for Inducing Shigellosis Infection, Alan Valdiviezo and Kelly Delgado
Feasibility Study of Solar Panels on the Herty Hall Roof, Robin S. Beauchamp
Female Genital Mutiiation, Allison Blount
Fermi-LAT daily monitoring observations of the microquasar Cygnus X-1, Austin P. Waldron, Stephen R. Hood, and Arash Bodaghee
"Field of Dreams", Ashley Kennedy
Functions of the Rat's Temporal Association Cortex in Higher Perceptual Functions, Summer L. Maki
Gay Zoo Day, Michael Brian McClelland
Gender in Olympic Coverage, Steven V. Walters, Hallie Swift, Sierra Wirt, and Avery Mixon
Genetic Analysis of Novel Mycobacteriophages: SheaKeira and Adonis, Keira N. Stacks and Shea Morris
Genetic Diversity of Mycobacteriophages and the Unique Abilities of Cluster K, Shea A. Morris
Georgia College & State University Nursing Program, Virginia Hayes, Natalie Bailey, Adele Barthe, Heidi Chaney, Aaron Cobb, Leslie Croxton, Jenny Eilers, Dylan Grace, SuAnn Greenwood, Phyllis Kent, Erin Landers, Amanda McKie, Brandy Moseley, Nina Myers, Dana Thomas, and Amanda Wheatley
Germination in Milkweeds (Asclepias, Apocynaceae): Response To Cold Stratification And Moisture Pretreatment, Zachary W. Izen and Andrew Wright
God, Nature, and Man in Justine, Kayley R. Roberson
Habitat Use and Home Range of Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina) in North Georgia Piedmont, Jessica Martin, Amy Vang, and Jocelyn Calderon
Has Affirmative Action Affected Female or Minority Leadership of Manufacturing Firms?, Justin B. Suda
Identification of Hawaiian Tilapia Using Mitochondrial DNA Sequences, Summer D. Duffy
Identification of Novel Interactors of SEC6 via Genetic Suppressor Screen Using a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genomic DNA Library, Y. Ellen France PhD, Emily Parrish, Raira Ank, Tristan Peterman, Sarah Mork, Billie Mills, Lindsey Duke, and Jyoti Lama
Identification of Tilapia Species Through Microsatellite Genetic Analysis, Nicholas Fuerstenau
Illustris-Simulated Major Merger Galaxy Pairs at z=0, Alice Jacques and Spencer Shortt
Impact of Cations on the Sorption Capabilities of Kaolin Towards Biofilm-forming Bacteria, Rachel E. Brineman
Impact of pH on Sorption Capacities of Kaolinite Products Towards Biofilm Forming Bacteria, Terrell S. Johnson
Impact of the Removal of Pueraria montana on Soil Characteristics in Central Georgia, Sara M. Carey
Implementing a Home-Based Blood Pressure Monitoring Program to Improve Hypertension Management, Nicole S. Bello
Implementing a Home-Based Blood Pressure Monitoring Program to Improve Hypertension Management, Nicole S. Bello
Improving Discharge Planning Using the Re-Engineered Discharge (RED) Program, Sterling L. Roberts, Leslie C. Moore, and Brian Jack
Influences on 21st Century Federal Elections, Laura A. Ahrens
In God We Trust and Other Fictions, Ian M. Sargent
Internet Filtering: The Effects in a Middle and High School Setting, Deborah G. Simmons
Interpreting Classical Music According to Schleiermacher and Gadamer, Isabella Torres
Investigation of Single Bubble Sonoluminescence by Acoustic Cavitations of D20, Suzanna Williams, James Black, Curtis Harris, and Ralph H. France III
Isolation and Characterization of Waits, an A15 Subcluster Actinobacteriophage, Audrey Waits and Indiren Pillay
Is the Level of Teacher Burnout More Significant Among Elementary Special Education Teachers or Elementary General Education Teachers?, Susie Brandt, Deana Burgess, and Debra Watts
Job Resources on the World Wide Web, Brad Jones
Key Encryption Through Quantum Optics, Madison Durrance, Zach Galberd, Abbey Savage, Tristan Cabrera, and Josh Hoffman
Kinetics of Crystal Violet Color Fading via a Small Footprint Diode Array Spectrometer, Paige Lott
Labeling Theory: The New Perspective, Doug Gay
La négritude: Une introduction, Margaret Varner
Literature Review of Coral Bleaching from an Ecological Perspective, Amanda N. Brewer
Looking Beyond GDP: Alternative Measures of Wellbeing, Andrii Melnyk
Lyric Analysis: A Resource for Acute Psychiatric Music Therapists, Sok Hwee Tay
Mapping community space and place in Mto wa Mbu, Tanzania through surveys and GIS, Jessica Craigg
Margaret Chase Smith’s 1950 Declaration of Conscience Senate Speech: A Stance Against the Exploitation of Fear, Victoria E. McBrayer
Mental Health in Prison: A problem that must be addressed., Alecia D. Carlisle
Mentoring Undergraduate Research Handbook 2nd Edition, Jennifer Hammack, Robin Lewis, Rebecca McMullen, Caitlin Powell, Rosalie Richards, Doreen E. Sams, and Jeanetta Sims
Method Development for the GC In-Vessel Composting System Using Post-Consumer Food Waste from The MAX, Evan T. Hearn
Middle School Teachers' Self-Efficacy as Health Educators, Claire Spell
Mindfulness, Self-regulatory Capacity, and Regulation of Health Behaviors - 2015 Award Winner, Elizabeth McCrary
Minus Five: An Examination Writing Proficiency at the Undergraduate Level, Sophia R. DiCarlo
Modeling Grade Distribution, Jasmine N. Gray
Modeling Grade Distribution, Jasmine N. Gray
Modeling Sporulation Through the Environmentally Regulated Genetic Network in B. subtilis, Andira Putri
Music Education for Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Teachers, Parents, and Students, Kaitlin A. Merck and Ryan M. Johnson
Music Therapy and grieving: defining and creating music therapy activities for the patient and family, Natassia L. Carr
Mystics, Eunuchs, and Contraband: The Pardoner’s Role in Chaucer’s Criticism of the Catholic Church, Matthew Cornelison
Narrowing Down the Binding Site of Adenovirus E4 11k on the Cellular Protein Ddx6, Michael D. Hammond
Nematodes as Indicators of Soil Health Impacted by Soil Texture on Salamander Springs Farm, Julia K. Steele
Orff-Schulwerk for Music Therapists, Brittney Butts Grant
Out of the Kitchen and into the Factory: Advertising to Women in World War II, Emily R. Britton
Parental Attribution Trends and Child Social Competence, Adria Freshley, Rebecca Groeneveld, and Megan Druhot
Personal Resilience, Workplace Civility, and Staff Retention in Behavioral/Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Units, Paula D. Stover
Plasma Characterization Using Optical Emission Spectroscopy, Spencer D. Lovelady
Pleistocene Rodents from Coastal Georgia, Christina Barrows Ms.
Pop-up Java: An Augmented Reality Mobile Game to Teach Java, Richard Myers
Portrayal of Women and Feminism in the Media, Makayla Hays, Saskia Lindsay, Rachael Alesia, Marlee Thomas, and Katherine Knosher
Presentation and Privacy: the Hôtel de Soubise as a Case Study of Problems in Eighteenth-Century French Domestic Architecture, Elyse N. Hoganson
Prevalence of Childbirth Fear in Georgia College and State University Undergraduate Students, Madison K. Stansell and Lindsay Jones
Protestantism and Biblical Foundations for Ecological Care, Peyton A. Sanders
Quantum Computing With Bose-Einstein Condensates: A Literature Survey, Jacob Kekoa Handley
Radical Colleagues: A Case Study of Art and Social Justice Using a Participatory Approach, Sarah Herring and Katlyn Bark
Random Number Generation with Sine Computation in Intel x86 Assembly, Dmitri Fernandes
Reader as Author in Tristram Shandy, Nicholas Roberts
Reduction of Gordonia terrae Biofilms by Host-Specific Bacteriophage, Audrey Waits and Indiren Pillay
Refinement of Production Grade Bio-diesel, Campbell Axt, Jamichael Williams, Zachary Huffman, Sydney Ninneman, Robert Hughley, Annie Jackson, Chris Barrett, Tyler Wilhoit, Steven Slack, Scottie Beauchamp, and Liddy Cronan
Reflection and Remembrance: Oral histories and critical thinking, Robin O. Harris, John Pilgrim, Jennifer Puckett, Teresa Pike, Jill Simmons, Paula Berenguer, Brad Brinkley, Ivan Bracic, Keshae Cobb, Chandler Rushing, Shannon Kitchens, and Karen Hall
Regional Trends in Religion and Politics, Robert Goon
Relationship Between Capillary Rise and Nitrification Potential at Babe + Sage Farm, David T. Capati, Taylor Fitzgerald, and Patrick Powers
Relationships Between Ambiguity Tolerance and Well-Structured vs. Ill-Structured Problems, Nichole J. Gilbert, Chanse Denmon, Lauren T. Hovey, Katy B. Tinsley, Saadiyqa Livingstone, Jonathan Kaplan, and Diana L. Young
Religious Beliefs and Practices Among College Students, Daniel R. Baez and Nadjuma Jean-Simon
Role of Minerals: Enhancing Exercise and Performance, Hannah Onians and Lauren Duffy
See Dick Run: Developing Literacy in Kindergarten, Rachel Moss
Self-Perceived Leadership vs. Group Perception, James "Trey" W Fouché
Sensory Friendly Theatre: Including Individuals with Sensory Integration Disorders, Darby High
Sex Differences and Preference Assessment in Betta splendens, Nichole J. Gilbert, Shelby Munyan, and Hannah T. Rose
Silver and Gold: The Markers of Goodness, Greed and Vanity in Chaucer's Travelers, Samantha G. Strickland
System Analysis of Communication with Hospitalized Spanish-Speaking Patients with Limited English Proficiency, Katherine McLendon
Teaching Abilities in Preservice Teacher Self-Ratings and Comparable Instructor Ratings, Feng Liu
Testing the Feasibility of a Bladeless Wind Turbine Design, Chukwuemeka C. Ibebuike and Hauke Busch
The Beetle Bandit: The Utilization of Biosurveillance to Monitor the Spread of the Emerald Ash Borer, Dorianna C. Dobson, Payton E. Burriss, Caroline E. Fowler, Stephanie H. Forsman, and Nicholas T. Buchanan
The Development of a Retina Controlled Prosthetic Device for Human Augmentation, Brian D. Skoglind Jr
The Effects of a Multi-Sensory Reading Program on Students with Disabilities, Lisa P. Myers
The Effects of an Intangible Token Economy on Off-Task Behavior of Kindergarten Students, Danielle G. Wheeler
The Effects of Eating Disorders on Athletic Performance, Lydia M. Clement and Drew Phillips
The Effects of Exercise on the Attention Span of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Michelle M. Lynn
The Effects of Humor to Reduce Anxiety in College Students, Leigh-Ann Devine and Matthew C. Gehr
The Effects of Repeated versus Traditional Commercial Breaks on Attitudes toward the TV Show and Commercials: An Eye-tracking Investigation, Kevin C. Tormeno and Joshua Parrish
The Eighteenth-Century Origins of Sally Mann’s “New Child”, Victoria L. Pitts
"The end of pleasure is pain": Why Eveline Could Not Leave, Joanna Lyons
The Flaws of Deterrence Theory, Hunter Oneal Cooley
The Formation of Robust Biofilms and Kaolin’s Sorption of Them, Sarah A. Head
The Horse and the Heroic Quest: Equestrian Indicators of Morality in Lancelot, Don Quixote, and Tolkien, Kirsten G. Rodning
The Ideas of Milton’s Areopagitica in Contemporary Society, Emily Moore
The Impact of a Mentoring Program on Adolescent Girls’ Self-Esteem, Natalie C. Flanders
The Impact of Provider Beliefs, Perceptions and Practices on Advance Care Planning Conversations in Seriously Ill Patients, Kelly A. Bouthillet
The Influence of Parental Disciplinary Strategies on Social Competence in Children, Emily Hegstetter and Alexa Perez
The Jam Derivative, Stephen K. Castleberry
The Portrayal of Controversial Topics in Satirical Media, Maranda Blum, Samantha Deptula, Erin Dickman, Mariah Fuller, and Kathryn Swendsen
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black, Deidré Sanders
The Social Construction of Generations: On the dubious value of the generational model in marketing and public discourse, Anika J. Patel
The Transformation of Teen Vogue, Erica Misener, Hayley Bair, Chandler Durden, and Bethany Straus
The Uneven Scales Of Lady Justice, Jessica H. Shepard
Third Party Interventions Into Internal Conflicts, Sarah Jessica McCann
Tobacco Awareness Among Elementary School Students: Does Advertising Effect Children's Impression of Cigarette Smoking?, John D. Johnson
Tri-Malleolar Fracture and Dislocation with Deltoid Rupture and Fibular Fracture, Kayla Bennett
Troubled Seas and Scattered Blossoms: Nature Images in Elegiac Anglo-Saxon and Japanese Poetry of the Medieval Period, Audrey Whittle
Turning Music into Money: The private practice quick guide, Rasheda Jones Root
Undergraduate Attitudes towards Required Foreign Language Courses, Leah V. Cash
Understanding the Relationship between Self-Reported Drug Use and Treatment Efficacy, Paige Mandas, Kayla Argo, Jesse Chapman, Sean Groark, and Mary Mason Beale
Using an Atomic Molecular Optics Laboratory for Undergraduate Research and Mentoring of Physics Students in Georgia, Matthew P. Dallas
UV - Visible Spectra of Various Colored Inks, Rachel C. Pendley Ms.
Variations Of Epipelic Diatom Community During The Savannah Harbor Expansion Project In Port Wentworth, GA, Alyssa H. Thomson and Kalina Manoylov
Vertical diatom motility in relation to tide shifts on St. Simons Island, GA, Merry Zohn and Madeline McCloskey
Visual Analytics of Enron Corpus with JavaScript vs Fusion Tables+Electron, Brian Walton
We've Got Mail: Email Preservation at a Small, Private University, Nahali Croft
What Effect Does Spyware Have on Consumer Trust, and Will its Use Ever Be Acceptable?, James Anthony Hatton
Where Are You From: Essays on Finding Home, Georgia Knapp
Will Coaching Improve One's Math Score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test?, Judith B. Moore
Year 2000 and the Banking Industry*, Jill Rainey